In the forest ecosystems, soil microbes are an important factor in maintaining their balance and soil nutrients. The decay and decomposition of leaf litter in forests, and the metabolism of soil respiration substances, and the energy cycle in the entire ecosystem are all active factors of soil microbes. . When studying the balance of forest ecosystems and soil nutrients, in addition to scientific instruments such as indispensable soil nutrient testers, the study of microorganisms in soil is also very important. Today we will analyze the regulation of soil microbes on forest ecological balance and soil nutrients.

Among them, bacteria and actinomycetes have important effects on the decomposition and release of organic matter and nutrients in forest soils, and the fungal decomposition of lignin in forest lands. It is one of the main factors for maintaining and restoring forest productivity. Soil microbial biomass not only plays an important role in nutrient conversion, but also is a large source of nutrients and storage in the soil. The internal relationship between soil microorganisms and abiotic factors and the succession of soil microorganisms are all part of the process of soil self-regulation, which determines the soil fertility to a great extent. It has a close relationship with soil nutrients. There is also a certain relationship between microorganisms and forest age. Enron et al. found that the soil microbial population and bacteria in three different ages of fast-growing poplar forests decreased with the increase of forest age. The highest value of fungi and uptake was found in 10 years.

Yang Kai et al. studied the difference in carbon and nitrogen of microbial biomass of young larch and mature forests in different seasons. Eucalyptus is a major artificial economic species of subtropical forests in China, and is mainly distributed in southern Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, and Hainan provinces. The eucalyptus plantation in southern China has developed rapidly and has a large scale. Its area has exceeded 2 million hm2. However, at the same time, the eucalyptus plantation has declined in soil fertility and the yield of the forest has declined. Maintaining the long-term stable sustainable development of eucalyptus plantations has become a domestic practice. External focus.

Soil quality is directly related to the growth status of eucalyptus and the sustainable development of forestry. The characteristics of soil microorganisms in woodland directly affect the physicochemical properties of soil, soil fertility and the growth and development of forests. So far, the research on the soil environment of eucalyptus plantations has mainly focused on a certain species or Study on the soil environment of different species of eucalyptus, Xie Longlian et al. studied the distribution pattern of soil microbial population and the changes of soil nutrients in the eucalyptus plantation of Congo No. 12 in Zhangzhou Forest Farm of Hainan Province. Chen Junrong et al studied the main microbial populations of five different species of eucalyptus soil (bacteria , fungi and actinomycetes), preliminary analysis of the relationship between the number of microbial groups and soil fertility, and studies on soil nutrients and microbial characteristics and dynamic changes of different ages of eucalyptus plantations have not been reported. This study is based on a study of soil nutrients and microbes in the Eucalyptus urophylla forests of five different forest ages (southern, medium-aged, near-mature, mature, and over-mature) in southeastern Guangxi in order to clarify the different forest ages. Soil Quality Provides Important Reference for Sustainable Management of Regional Forests

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